If you need to protect your financial institution from fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, robbery, loss of cash (either from a safe or in transit) as well as many other similar risks, you need bankers blanket bond insurance. We can tailor any policy to fit the precise needs of your bank. This placement works well in conjunction with cyber insurance.
As business regulations tighten, the scope for suing individual directors and officers increases — often leading to heavy fines and imprisonment. Financial institution directors & officers insurance protects against such losses.
This protects businesses and professionals from the financial consequences of their legal liabilities to third parties arising from breach of their professional duties. Certain professional bodies require their members to buy this type of protection. Additionally, financial institutions often purchase this type of cover to protect themselves from associated litigation.
This is a comprehensive package policy designed specifically for funds and asset managers. It helps to cover key exposures including professional liabilities.
Protects financial institutions against loss of assets (including cash, bullion, and securities documents) from either employee fraud or losses caused by third parties, e.g. through robbery, forgery, counterfeiting, transfer fraud or computer fraud.
Financial institution electronic and computer crime policies protect against the criminal application of a variety of computer systems, programs, electronic data and media, computer viruses, electronic communications, transmissions, electronic securities and voice initiated instructions.
Commercial crime and fidelity insurance safeguards non-financial institutions from losses associated with employee fraud (including cash, bullion, securities documents or similar valuable assets), losses caused by third parties through the loss of money, securities, etc., or from risks such as theft, embezzlement, forgery, robbery, counterfeit currency, employee dishonesty, safe burglary, computer fraud, and wire transfer.
Today, company directors and officers are under increased pressure to carry out their duties and obligations meticulously. Failure to do so may lead to personal liability for the individual director or for the entire board of directors. Directors & officers liability insurance (D&O) is liability insurance payable to the directors and officers of a company, or to the organisation(s) itself. If some kind of professional breach is flagged, and liability is placed with an insured director or officer, D&O protects the assets of company directors and other individuals of a corporation against such claims.
Our commercial crime policy protects companies against money, stock, goods, securities, property or funds being stolen by employees or third parties. It also protects against the theft of clients’ money or property for which you are responsible.
Plastic card insurance provides coverage for counterfeit plastic cards, lost or stolen credit / debit cards, employee dishonesty, merchant fraud and associated legal expenses. Typically, the coverage provided under the plastic card fraud is excluded under other financial lines coverage — so it’s extremely important to consider this cover.
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